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Household Hints.


Darkness: Pineal cyst related headaches can occur, usually, from bright lights. Turn off artificial lighting or dim it down to an acceptable level. shut out sunlight with thicker curtains (even blankets can be used to cover blinds, etc.) Alternatively you could paint your walls black too.


Noise: Turn off appliances at the wall televisions, spare fridges, computers,etc. Even lights make sound that you are consciously unaware of. Tell the kids to go play outside to gain some peace if they are driving you mad (although it sometimes is not that easy, I know.) There are plenty of relaxation sounds and music available online if that is your thing. (I have also placed some sounds up the top of the page.) You can also make a night shift sign and place it at your door to deter those pesky door knockers.


Temperatures: Temperature is found to have some relation to the onset of headaches. Try and figure out if this may be an issue for you and adjust accordingly if you have a temperature control device: Air-conditioner, Heater, etc. Hot showers can also trigger headaches.


Scents: Burning essential oils and incense can aid in the relief of headaches. Tip: if you place lavender above your shower head when you take a shower, the steam releases the oils of the lavender and is said to sooth you. Thus, an idea to try for persisting headaches.



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